Unable to run a Test Class

Issue #1962 resolved
Karvannan Viswanathan created an issue

Running a specific test class results in all test methods being ignored. The following is the error in console.

Error 403/Forbidden - INVALID_INPUT: This class name's value is invalid:

Comments (7)

  1. Karvannan Viswanathan reporter

    Somehow the name of the project gets prefixed to the test class as if it is a namespace and because of that the test classes were being ignored. Since the test classes will not be in the namespace. I created a new project which solved the issue.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    Hi. Sorry for coming into this late. Did you happen to have a namespace set in sfdx-project.json in the original project? Or did the connected org have a namespace?

  3. Karvannan Viswanathan reporter

    There is no namespace in the connected org. I checked the sfdx-project.json, there was no namespace set there either. I noticed this issue with running the test class after I had to reopen the project because of the IDE upgrade and I guess something got messed up during that time. I was able to retrieve and deploy without any issue. This is a sfdx project with manifest.

  4. Scott Wells repo owner

    Interesting. It sounds like you're in good shape now, but if you do see that behavior ever again, please let me know so I can gather some diagnostic logs and try to understand what's going on. Namespaces should only ever be inferred from the org itself or from the sfdx-project.json file. Well, in the OST they're also inferred from the directory structure, but not in the local project sources. Thanks for the additional info...

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