System.Id type getSobjectType casing is not properly cased

Issue #1964 resolved
Attila Hajdrik created an issue

I think that for that method it should be getSObjectType and not getSobjectType as it is not in the generated classes. Don’t know if this happens elsewhere or not it just seemed odd when I used it.

Comments (4)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Personally I'm inclined to agree that it should be getSObjectType, but that's how it's reported by the Tooling API itself:


    It looks like the casing of that particular name is quite inconsistent across the various Apex system APIs in which it exists:


    While IC2 does do quite a few corrections to Apex system APIs, they're primarily to fill in gaps and adjust things for correctness when the API's presented signature is just incorrect. Otherwise I try to use exactly what the API reports even if my own bias might lie elsewhere. The only notable exception is around casing of system namespaces where some are reported in all lowercase in which case IC2 canonicalizes them to camel-cased for consistency.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    Oh, trust me...I'm right there with you! But this is definitely a "pick your battles" thing. There's quite a bit of inconsistency in the APIs, both in terms of casing and also in terms of naming. The latter obviously can't be adjusted; the former can, but I have to try to draw a line on when it should. At this point when Salesforce reports something via their API in a particular case, for the most part I just accept that. But yes, it drives me kuh-razy!

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