Add option to create an ad-hoc Package.xml using existing UI

Issue #1966 duplicate
Jason Clark created an issue

I’m on a project where we do all dev in scratch orgs, use git/Bitbucket to merge changes, and use Bitbucket pipelines to automate SFDX deploys to various environments. Production deploys are handled by a prod ops team using the release branch. BUT - occasionally we need to get a patch out quickly, in which case we manually deploy the affected file(s) to a staging org which mirrors production, and prod ops uses a changeset to move the code to production.

For “manually deploying” a single file to staging, we use SFDX force:source:deploy; for a number of files, we use the same but with the -x package.xml option. This means manually generating the package.xml. It would be great to be able to use the “Metadata Operation Scope” dialog to select files and generate an ad-hoc package.xml. These are one-offs, but occasionally include several files of different types; a smart tool to spit out the XML would save some effort and prevent errors, and the dialog seems like a perfect fit, it just cannot generate an ad-hoc XML file, as far as I can tell.

Comments (4)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    That's an interesting idea and I can certainly see how it would be useful. It probably fits well with some other work I want to do around better automated maintenance of package.xml files beyond what IC2 does now. I'll keep this on the backlog in that overall bucket.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    Issue #2018 is closely related as it requests more search/filter capabilities in the metadata subscription editor when designing a package.xml-based subscription.

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