Cannot fetch branches from repository

Issue #1970 resolved
Gorana Grubisic created an issue

Hello 🙂

I have a problem where I cannot fetch any branch from the repository using Fetch functionality or arrow for fetching branches as I used to do.
I’m attaching the log, hoping you might direct me where to search an issue as I’ve switched from Windows to Mac so it’s a quite a challenge 😃

Thank you in advance!


Comments (4)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Hi. I'm happy to help but don't understand the nature of the issue. Can you please provide a more detailed description of the problem, ideally steps you're following along with the expected and actual results?

  2. Gorana Grubisic reporter

    Hi Scott,

    thank you for your response.
    The steps I’m following to perform is:

    • Clicking on to the Git tab
    • Click on the Branches
    • Click on the blue arrow to fetch the remote branches.

    It doesn’t fetch any of the remote branches. I have only Master and it does not fetch any other branch for me to checkout to.
    For the master I receive incoming commits for Update normally.
    This is the pic.(test_test is manually locally created to try to connect it to the test_test from the origin, but no success).

    Checked the log file but didn’t find any of the lines that could direct me what could be the problem. I would appreciate if you have any insight into what is blocking fetching remote branches 🙂

  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    Ah, I see. The Git functionality is a feature of the base JetBrains IDE and not something specific to Illuminated Cloud. You can report this issue to JetBrains via their public issue tracker:

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