Unable to retrieve/deploy metadata

Issue #1987 resolved
Viktoriia Yefimova created an issue

Using IlluminatedCloud plugin version with Intellij Idea metadata didn’t retrieve/deploy using plugin commands.

Retrieve command:

When I tried to retrieve metadata about classes, aura, lwc I’m able to retrieve new file versions from org. But when I’m trying to retrieve for example metadata for new custom fields, custom metadata, custom settings, etc, commands run successfully but metadata files didn’t appear in Project.

Deploy all metadata/deploy modified metadata:

I’m unable to deploy apex, lwc, aura, vf files to the org using Deploy all metadata/deploy modified metadata commands. It looks like the commands run successfully, any errors appeared in Intellij Idea, but files didn’t deploy to the org. I’m able to deploy files only using the “Force Save” command.

Some of my colleagues also met the same issues.

Comments (3)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Hi. I'm happy to help with this. Can you please enable debug logging for metadata deployment and retrieval, reproduce the behavior, and attach the resulting idea.log* file(s) here for review? And if you could also provide the expected result vs. actual result so I can better understand why what I'm seeing in the log doesn't match expectations, that would help.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    Resolving due to lack of activity. If this is still happening, feel free to reopen with additional diagnostic info.

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