LWC - JS: Import custom field using @Salesforce/Schema does not compile

Issue #1993 duplicate
Nicolas Moore created an issue

Version - Build 20211014095816

IntelliJ 2021.2.1 -Ic-212-5080.55

Windows: 2021-10 Cumulative Update for .NET Framework 3.5 and 4.8 for Windows 10 Version 21H1 for x64 (KB5005539)

Deploying changes to org - Issue is LWC saving, when you try to import a custom field on a custom object it gives an error, when it should allow you to save.

Business impact is I have to use VS code to write LWC

import RANKING_FIELD from '@Salesforce/schema/Account_Ranking__c.Ranking__c';

Error:(1, 1) FIELD_INTEGRITY_EXCEPTION - Invalid reference Account_Ranking__c.Ranking__c of type sobjectField in file opportunityClone.js: Source

This compiles in VS Code

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Comments (7)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Please disable Tooling API-based deployment of LWC as it has known issues that Salesforce does not currently have plans to resolve. Note that IC2 warns about these issues when that option is enabled:


    The details are covered in #1589.

  2. Nicolas Moore reporter

    That worked, thanks. I have been using IC2 for almost 5 years. Did not notice the pop up, Might have been a setting I set years ago lol.

    As always, thank you for your quick response and thank you for continuing work on IC2!

  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    My pleasure. It's an option I've considered removing altogether for exactly this reason, but some users still find it useful and have asked that it remain. What I may do is react to this specific error and automatically re-deploy via the metadata API when it happens, or perhaps even look at the content to be deployed and, if I know that it would trigger the error, do the same. That way for LWC bundle files that can use the tooling API, there's a speed benefit, and for those that can't, it won't be so disruptive.

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