IC2 (latest)/Idea 2021.2.3 problem with correctly parsing/inspecting code

Issue #2000 resolved
Patrick Visniewski created an issue

I haven’t figured out a pattern for the problem starting but once it does, I have to restart IDEA to get the code inspection working again.

Basically after making changes IC2 starts having problems with the code inspection.
I think it starts with problems finding local classes inside another class really.

But basically it suddenly starts marking various tokens in red when they are in fact correct and were “findable” before the error started happening.

For example the class I keep seeing this in a class like this, where the inspection starts saying it can’t find “Bar”

cannot resolve symbol 'Bar'

is there error I suddenly start getting for all references to internal classes

public class Foo {
    public class Bar {
        public String someString {get; set;}
    public static Bar someMethod() {
        Bar someBarInstance = new Bar();
        return someBarInstance;

So in this code it wouldn’t report a problem with the class Bar,

But would report the return type of “someMethod” cannot be resolved

Also it would report “someString” cannot be resolved


Look at the attached log at the end of the log for these errors:

2021-11-02 12:25:11,792 [76831146] ERROR - aemon.impl.PassExecutorService - Element class com.intellij.psi.impl.source.tree.CompositeElement of type FORMAL_PARAMETER (class com.illuminatedcloud.intellij.psi.stub.ApexFormalParameterElementType)
com.intellij.psi.PsiInvalidElementAccessException: Element class com.intellij.psi.impl.source.tree.CompositeElement of type FORMAL_PARAMETER (class com.illuminatedcloud.intellij.psi.stub.ApexFormalParameterElementType)

Comments (5)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Patrick, I've not seen this one myself, nor have I heard about it from others, so let's start with some relatively simple things to try first.

    For starters, please do a full cache/index rebuild using File>Invalidate Caches and allow the IDE to restart. If the problem is still present after post-restart indexing completes--or if it comes back after editing code for a bit, please completely uninstall and reinstall IntelliJ IDEA. I know that seems extreme, but particularly with 2021.2, I've seen significant issues with installs based on in-place upgrades to that version--even the more recent patch-levels--that are resolved by an uninstall/reinstall.

    Please let me know your findings either way if you don't mind.

  2. Patrick Visniewski reporter

    so far so good. I did some heavy edits on the class in question where I kept seeing this and haven’t had problems so with any luck this took care of it.

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