Feature Request - Object and Custom Metadata new file templates

Issue #2001 new
Luke Buthman created an issue

It would be cool to have first class support for creating Custom Objects and Custom Metadata by right clicking the appropriate folder and selecting it from the dropdown.

I was checking in a feature just a bit ago and was reviewing the PR in GitHub. And I realized, wow, this object and custom metadata is way simpler here, and it would be much faster if I just created it directly. So then I went to see if we could already do that, since we can already do so much in IC2, but alas, not yet.

Anywho, just an idea. I might explore the templates, but I don’t think they are powerful enough. I really like this feature in regards to classes, lwc, and aura.

Alright, thanks a lot for your product, I tell everyone it is the best. No one wants to hear it, but I tell them anyway.

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