Debug Logs are not Visible in Log Analyzer Tab

Issue #2005 resolved
Daniel Fuller created an issue

When I attempt to use the Log Analyzer tab in Intellij to pull in debug logs from a connected scratch org, no debug logs display in the Log Viewer even though there is an active trace flag created in the scratch org.

I’ve tried creating new scratch org connections a few times, which hasn’t appeared to work. Also, when I click the delete all button in the log viewer, the modal returns a number of logs that will be deleted, so it looks like the query to the scratch org is returning a number of logs.

I’ve also attempted to rebuild cache and indices and regenerate the offline symbol table which hasn’t resolved the issue.

I’m using a repo that is using the SFDX org structure (Non-profit service pack), and I have the SFDX CLI executable path defined in the IC2 config.

I’ve included a few screenshots of the log viewer after a refresh of the logs in the viewer and one screenshot of the number of logs displayed in the modal in the delete operation.

Intellij version: 2021.2.2

IC2 version:

Comments (12)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Hi, Daniel. If you want to see how IC2 is querying the logs from the organization, please add the following to Help>Diagnostic Tools>Debug Log Settings:


    then reproduce the behavior and it should show what it's doing in your idea.log. Feel free to email or attach the resulting logs for review if you'd like.

  2. Daniel Fuller reporter

    @Scott Wells Thanks for the info. I have several idea.log.n files in my directory. N up to 12. Should I just post the output from the regular idea.log file?

  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    Daniel, the logs will roll once they reach a certain size. The log entries have timestamps, and what I need to see is all log entries from the timeframe of the issue reproduction. That may span multiple logs depending on logged volume, when it rolled, etc. If you want you can just attach/email all logs and I can sort it out, or if you know the start/end times of the reproduction, you can just send the logs that contain those entries.

  4. Daniel Fuller reporter

    @Scott Wells I attached the idea.log file. I went ahead and cleared the logs to make it easier to parse through this operation. I performed the refresh action two different times in this log to refresh the debug logs from the scratch org. The query to ApexLog seems to be returning results but those results don’t seem to be populating the Log Analyzer table in IJ.

  5. Scott Wells repo owner

    Thanks, Daniel. Nothing looks off in the log, but something about this is tickling a memory. Let me search around a bit and see if I've helped someone solve this problem before as I feel confident that I have. I'll let you know what I find, or if my search comes up empty, I may need to get additional diagnostic information from you.

  6. Scott Wells repo owner

    Ugh...I'd hoped to find the "aha!" email or support thread, but it hasn't happened. Looking over your log again, I'm trying to infer some contextual hints that might help me to reproduce this. Here's the characterization I've made so far:

    • You're on a Mac in IntelliJ IDEA 2021.2[.2?] and Illuminated Cloud Note that there are newer builds of both, so while I'd recommend that you get fully up-to-date, I don't expect it to make a difference in what's happening here. It will, however, make further troubleshooting a little easier.
    • You're working against a scratch org created by Cumulus CI for NPSP (non-namespaced?).
    • The log entries are primarily (completely?) for Aura components accessed by user which, based on the username User User is the default scratch org user.

    Is there anything else relevant that might help me to reproduce this? I have both namespaced and non-namespaced NPSP scratch orgs, though I created them manually and not via Cumulus CI.

    Can you reproduce this behavior other orgs, or is it just occurring in this one? It'd be great if you could provide reproduction steps that don't require significant knowledge of NPSP, or if you could create a scratch org where this happens without proprietary contents that I could just access directly. Totally understood if that's not an option, though.

  7. Daniel Fuller reporter

    Hey, Scott. Thanks for the work on this one. This one ended up being user error on my part. The top and bottom panels of the Log Analyzer must’ve adjusted during one of the recent IJ updates and the bottom panel was fully overlapping the top panel to the point that it looked like they were one panel. So the bottom panel was hiding the debug logs in the top panel 😄 😓 Pulled the panel down at took a screenshot just in case anyone else runs into the same thing. One of those “make sure it's plugged in” things you can check.

  8. Scott Wells repo owner

    Aha! There haven't really been any changes to Log Analyzer so I'm not sure what might have changed the splitter location, but I'm glad to hear it was something as simple as that. Thanks for following up.

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