Offline Symbol Table does not create entries for Object Fields if the user does not have FLS for those

Issue #2010 resolved
Pranay Jaiswal created an issue

Looks like Illuminated Cloud 2 is only created symbol table for fields if the running user has at least read access to them. That seems quite counter-intuitive as building the application we dont give much care about FLS

Comments (2)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Hi. This is an unfortunate long-time limitation of the Salesforce APIs used by Illuminated Cloud to build the SObjects fields portion of the offline symbol table. You can find more details here:

    specifically the following:

    Ensure field read access — Check this option to enable read access to all SObject fields in the organization. This will enable key Illuminated Cloud features such as code completion and integrated API documentation for those fields. Checking this option will amend your user profile, so we strongly recommend you enable this for developer-owned orgs only.

    I have spoken at length with Salesforce about this in the past to see if another option might be offered that doesn't require the user to have read access on all fields for them to be included in the API response, but so far it's required.

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