2021.3 issues (aka, "here we go again") - DO NOT UPGRADE to 2021.3 yet

Issue #2015 resolved
Scott Wells repo owner created an issue

I've just confirmed with JetBrains that they removed the class library that contains the layout IC2 uses for pretty much all of its custom user interfaces. Evidently IC2 is far from alone in this as many other plugins use the same layout. Hopefully JetBrains will be issuing an immediate 2021.3 patch that restores that class library to the distribution and all will be well, but for the time being, please do not upgrade, and if you have, please revert to 2021.2.3 until this is resolved.

UPDATE: JetBrains has helped to block IC2 being installed into 2021.3 until they have addressed this issue. Once a patch has been issued and I have confirmed that the patch resolves this problem, I will post a 2021.3 update for IC2 that restores compatibility with that version.

UPDATE 2021-12-1: The issue with the removed class library only seems to affect non-IntelliJ IDEA IDEs, i.e., WebStorm, PyCharm, PhpStorm, and RubyMine. However, until all IDEs once again bundle that library I can't (easily) issue an IC2 update that claims compatibility with 2021.3. I know that JetBrains is working on issuing a patch for the affected IDEs, but until that happens, IC2 will place an upper bound on supported IDE versions of 2021.2.*. I actually have a build with a workaround of bundling that library in IC2 itself, and it seems to work well in all 2021.3 IDEs, but assuming/hoping that JetBrains resolves this sooner rather than later, I'd prefer to hold off on such a workaround in favor of the proper fix. So for now please continue to stick with 2021.1.3 or 2021.2.3. Once 2021.3 has been patched and I feel that everything looks good, I'll push out an IC2 update that unlocks compatibility with that version.

UPDATE 2021-12-9: I've just posted which bundles the missing class library until JetBrains release 2021.3.1 which will restore it. This allows IC2 to work properly with 2021.3, so I've unlocked that version. Feel free to update to 2021.3, and if you do see any other issues, please report them ASAP. I will not resolve this issue until 2021.3.1 has been released and verified and I've issued an IC2 update to remove the bundled class library workaround.

UPDATE 2021-12-29: I've verified that the 2021.3.1 builds of WebStorm, etc., properly restore the bundled libs that were removed in 2021.3 and everything seems to work properly without the IC2 bundling workaround. Next week's IC2 build will drop the bundled libs which means that users on 2021.3 will need to upgrade to 2021.3.1.

Comments (21)

  1. Attila Hajdrik

    This is just…..JetBrains…..I hoped that it will be better, upgraded and then went to Log Analyzer…..and nothing. I guess there are a lot of frustrated and angry devs out there right now. Going on the downgrade path…again….

    Thanks Scott for handling these 😉 it must be hard for you 😃

  2. Scott Wells reporter

    At this point it shouldn't allow installation into 2021.3, but it's just fine cranking through an in-place upgrade to that version that results in a broken state. I've logged an enhancement request with JetBrains asking that they check whether all installed third-party plugins are compatible with the new version before performing an in-place upgrade. That would definitely save quite a bit of headache.

    I'm also going to start constraining IC2 installs to existing released versions only until after the final build of the new version has been released and I've had a chance to verify it. Unfortunately in both 2021.2 and now 2021.3, things looked just fine against early access/beta/release candidate builds and then broke against the final release builds. As far as I know, the only way to guard against that is to treat the final release builds of their IDEs as a final test of IC2.

  3. Mark Bickford

    Yes, the IntelliJ Toolbox is quite happy to flag the 2021.3 update as being available and installs it regardless of plugin compatibility (and I didn’t see this post until after the upgrade). I’ll see if the Toolbox downgrades as well….

  4. Scott Wells reporter

    Yeah, it's frustrating. Hopefully they'll implement the logged enhancement request. Of course, hopefully there won't be a need for that because future versions won't break things so badly. JetBrains is generally VERY good about this kind of stuff, so I see these as a bump in the road that will hopefully (there's that word again) be resolved shortly.

    The good news is that the fix has been committed by JetBrains, so a patch should be forthcoming shortly.

  5. Tom Fuda Account Deactivated

    Argh! Too late for me… I upgraded to RM 2021.3 and no more Anonymous Apex, Log Analyzer or SOQL Query windows :(

  6. Scott Wells reporter

    Sorry, Tom. As stated previously, I've logged an enhancement request with JetBrains to better safeguard against upgrades that won't succeed, but right now you won't know until after the upgrade has completed. Fortunately an uninstall of 2021.3 and reinstall of 2021.2.3 goes pretty quickly and should preserve all existing config.

  7. Mark Bickford

    I found out this time around that, if you installed IDEA using Jetbrains Toolbox, the rollback process (to the immediate prior version) was quick and easy. At least for me it was.

  8. Scott Wells reporter

    Status update in the issue summary, but the short version is that with it should be safe to upgrade to 2021.3.

  9. Scott Wells reporter

    That may be the quickest update I've ever seen, Atilla! Thanks for helping to confirm, though, as it helps to put my mind to rest...at least a bit. Let me know if you do see any issues in 2021.3 that weren't present in earlier IDE versions.

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