Nice to have feature for compare with server

Issue #2027 resolved
Christopher Tufts created an issue

I am cool with the default behavior for compare with server looking at the active org and comparing your open window’s class with what is on the server. However a nice enhanmcenet would be a right click option that you could select from your other orgs associated with the project (or all orgs associated on the computer) and select it as the target to do the comparison.

I constantly have the question, is this changed from what is in prod, and while we are still working on getting git sophisticated enough to answer that question I still need to actually compare with what is on prod. my current workaround is to retrieve for compare from prod, which isn’t ideal as it multiple steps and the speed with which webstorm opens those windows leaves a lot to be desired…

Comments (6)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Great suggestion and pretty much analogous to the standard Git Compare with branch action that I use almost non-stop. I'll take care of this in a relatively near-term release.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    I'm also curious about this, though:

    the speed with which webstorm opens those windows leaves a lot to be desired…

    If the build options dialog is opening, rendering, or otherwise performing slowly, I'm happy to look into that if you don't mind providing some requested diagnostics. There's quite a bit of caching and other optimizations to make that dialog perform well, so if there are still issues with it, I'd definitely like to understand them.

  3. Christopher Tufts reporter

    happy to send you any diag logs that you need, just let me know where I can get them.

    With larger orgs I just find that retrieve from server opens up slow enough and then you need to wait on sfdx to return the list of orgs, then theres something that Webstorm does to reinit the compare against the cache to see whats on the server and what isn’t. Having a feature that would quickly let me compare what I am looking at with another server would speed up my investigation as an architect. Your conclusion of it being like compare with branch is exactly what I am inferring. Most of the time its literally just a sanity check to ensure that the dev org I am looking at isn’t ahead of whats in prod


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