UML Diagram Support

Issue #2037 duplicate
Luke Buthman created an issue

As a developer, I would like to generate a UML diagram based on an Unlocked Package, so that I can have a convenient modeling of the system.

Comments (3)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Take a look at #615. It's worth pointing out that some folks have had some success with a workaround where they take the sources that they want to model, rename the files from *.cls to *.java, and remove/change the Apex-specific parts so that at least the high-level skeletal types are "Java"--particularly changing global to public and removing with/without/inherited sharing--then they're able to generate very nice UML diagrams against those types. Assuming this is for the most part a one-time thing and not something you'll be doing frequently, might be a decent way to visualize the contents of those packages without waiting on this to be implemented in IC2.

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