Can you show me which files it intends to delete?

Issue #204 resolved
Robert Conner created an issue

When I change branches on git, files get added/removed. A popup comes up saying "Delete From [ConnectionName]". Delete files from connection [Name] also?

That popup is fine, but can you please have it list out exactly which files are about to be deleted so I know.


Comments (9)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Sure. I should be able to fit this into one of the near-term releases, and I agree that it's valuable when the delete operation is not explicitly user-initiated.

  2. Robert Conner reporter

    Is there any way to get this prioritized? It's seeming to be a big problem in my daily development. I don't mentally keep track of which files got deleted/added on which branches when I switch back and forth.

  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    Robert, the third or fourth item in my queue is integrated undeployment from the org. At the latest I would get to this in that work, but I'll see if I can slot it in earlier since the information is all there already, just not being shown.

  4. Scott Wells repo owner

    This will be in the next release. For now it will just show the metadata items that would be deleted. In the future I'll look at allowing you to choose which subset you do and do not want to delete from the server.

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