Proposal: add ApexLiveTemplates video link to the IC2 web page

Issue #2045 new
Peter Lin created an issue

Proposal: add ApexLiveTemplates video link to the IC2 web page below

I watched this ApexLiveTemplates video today and found that it was a great help for me to learn how to better use the Live Templates to save my time of typing.

It was excellent and I felt that the Live Templates typing example was about recorded using the current version of IDEA/Webstorm 2021.3 until I looked at the top of the video, “IntelliJ IDEA 2016.2“.

So, I think the video content was still not old and is good enough for today to offer help-only-video-can-offer in addition to the IC2 web page below.

Thank you for this excellent IC2 and all the related video and documentations!

Video Link:

IC2 web page:

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