Retrive metada about objects

Issue #207 resolved
Petr Roubal created an issue

I'm facing an issue with retrieving metadata data about objects.

When I try to retrieve it from menu (Build -> Illuminated Cloud -> Retrieve Metadata...), I get all changes in my project but there are not included changes in object. (see retrieve-all.png)

If I do the same directly on folder object (right click on folder object in Project window -> Illuminated Cloud -> Retrieve Metadata...) so I can see changes in objects. (see retrieve-on-objects.png)

Comments (13)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Petr, let me investigate a bit and try to reproduce this. This is a place where I've been actively working and it's very possible I've introduced a regression here that needs to be addressed. I'll let you know what I find.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    Petr, I just tried to reproduce this and I'm able to see all objects in both cases. Can you send me a screenshot of the dialog that's displayed when you retrieve all and don't get back objects?

  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    By the way, I can reproduce what you're seeing by unchecking Include Missing Metadata when retrieving.

  4. Scott Wells repo owner

    Okay, do you mind grabbing some debug logging for me? You can add the required logging by going into Help>Configure Debug Log Settings and adding the following lines:


    Then you can get the resulting log using Help>Show Log in Explorer.


  5. Scott Wells repo owner

    Thanks, Petr. If you could provide one more thing...would you mind sending me the file default.iml?

  6. Scott Wells repo owner

    Petr, can you also please try one thing for me? Start a retrieve operation, and from the dialog click the Manage... button. That should let you manage the metadata selection for the module. Click the Refresh button, make sure that CustomObject is still selected in the tree, and then click OK to return to the retrieval dialog. Make sure that objects is now selected in the retrieval dialog. Click OK and let me know whether things behave as desired/expected.

  7. Petr Roubal reporter

    When I select only objects folder, everything works fine. But if I selected manually all folders I got this error.

  8. Scott Wells repo owner

    Okay, so from your module file, it looks like you're using the "All/Package" option. You're saying that if you use the "Selected" option and explicitly select a few metadata types including "CustomObject", things work fine, correct? But if you use "All/Package", you see the attached error when you try to retrieve the metadata, or does that error come up at some other point? An idea.log with that error in it along with the associated stack trace might help. I've seen a few instances where an org has returned errors when trying to list/retrieve certain metadata types, and in those orgs, "All/Package" isn't a viable option. Instead "Selected" must be used. I have an open dialog with Salesforce about these issues but haven't gotten a resolution on them yet.

  9. Scott Wells repo owner

    I'm pretty sure this has been resolved with the recent retrieve/deploy enhancements. Please feel free to reopen if you're still seeing the issue.

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