False Positive on method match.

Issue #2073 resolved
Justin Julicher created an issue

If you have an internal class and a non static method in the outer class it will match and not indicate an error where if you save it will fail.


public class TestClass {
  public class InternalClass {
      public void testMethod(){
          outerMethod(); //should indicate error but doesn't.    

  private void outerMethod(){

Comments (4)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Justin, one issue I see with that code is the use of testMethod as a method name since it's also a modifier keyword. Changing that to innerMethod, I do see the cited issue, though. Should be simple enough to address.

  2. Justin Julicher reporter

    Thanks Scott - oh yeah I just typed it up directly in here as the example - forgot about the testMethod modifier.

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