False Positive Inspector Error: Signature Mismatch on ShowToastEvent

Issue #2074 resolved
Aaron Mattson created an issue

Upon inspection of our LWC Javascript files that utilize ShowToastEvent, we receive a Weak Warning with the message “Argument type {title: string, message: string} is not assignable to parameter type ShowToastEvent”. The message displays more or fewer items in braces as we expand or shrink the provided argument set, with no set of parameters seemingly being acceptable (though title and message are required at a minimum).

Sample code for replication (warning thrown on line 6):

import {LightningElement} from 'lwc';
import {ShowToastEvent} from "lightning/platformShowToastEvent";

export default class Test_Component extends LightningElement {
    sampleMethod() {
        return new ShowToastEvent({
            title: 'Error',
            message: 'Please contact your System Administrator for support.'

No major business/developer impact, just a distraction.

lds.d.ts (66) shows this as the constructor for ShowToastEvent, possibly a source of the issue:

constructor(showToastEvent: ShowToastEvent);

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