Enhancements to Log Viewer Config

Issue #2076 resolved
Justin Julicher created an issue

I work with a number of sandboxes and have a couple of frameworks that generate a lot of logs when enabling full debugging. As a result I configure a number of classes to be ignored (with all defaults to NONE) when debugging a class or test.

It would be really good if we could enable this to be a config we could reuse across environments. i.e. Select a few lines of the setup trace flags for an apex class/trigger and then save as a default.

In addition to this having a default of NONE (like Full Debug, Standard etc) as a default in the Log Viewer setup would be helpful to facilitate said debugging scenarios too.

Comments (7)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    I just committed the following:

    Issue 2076 (partial) - Added a "None" log level preset which sets everything to...you guessed it...NONE. This is only included in the selectors when managing debug levels as it wouldn't really be useful to disable logging completely elsewhere.

    It sounds like the second part of the request is to be able to export/import the debug level/trace flag configuration, or at least part of it, correct? At least the portable aspects, so not user-specific trace flags, I guess.

    I apologize but I don't follow the third part of the request.

  2. Justin Julicher reporter

    Sorry Scott!

    I’m re-reading what I wrote and I’m not even understanding it! 😞 Shouldn’t do these late at night when I didn’t get much sleep the night before…..

    Yes to be clear there were only 2 parts:

    1. Add NONE as a default like Full Debug, Standard (which you’ve done - awesome!)
    2. At a project level allow the saving of a group of debug/trace settings (be it class or user (if possible)) and apply it to the current connection specified in the log viewer. It would then just load the values and then try to save them once you hit ‘save’. I would envision this as adding a save & load button in the yellow circled area here:

  3. Justin Julicher reporter

    thinking about this further if you have a custom debug level you would probably need to add that as well to ensure consistency? Would you be able to validate that when you load the preset? Or just let the user specify them after it’s loaded (but not saved).

  4. Scott Wells repo owner

    The None log level preset is available for debug levels to be used for trace flags starting in

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