What is happening when it says "validating componentX"...

Issue #209 resolved
Liz Ichihashi created an issue

This happens for a very long time when i save a class file. I have checked in the settings under the "Validation and Deployment" tab and do not have anything selected that says "Validate"... How can i turn this off? It takes a very, very long time to save files.

Comments (2)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Hi, Liz. Validation is letting Salesforce compile the source file but not save it so that syntax errors can be displayed in the editor even before the file is committed to the server. You can disable this entirely by changing the values for On Edit under the Validation and Deployment tab to Do Nothing, or if you want to retain the behavior but make it less frequent, you can change the value for On Edit Delay to something higher. Think of that as the "think time" after you stop typing in an editor window before it'll perform a check-only deployment of the source.

    Please let me know if this doesn't answer your question and/or help you get things working to your satisfaction.

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