Static Resource text/csv doesn't seem to be opening in IDE

Issue #2096 resolved
Vladyslav Petrovych created an issue

When I double click the static resource, nothing happens.

I tried removing file associations, setting it to text, reindexing the project, “repairing IDE”, etc, but this one static resource that is of type text/csv, is not opening.

All other static resource files are opening without an issue.

Comments (4)

  1. Vladyslav Petrovych reporter

    Just FYI - If I copy the file outside static resource folder, then I can open it without any issue.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    Hi. Can you please enable debug logging for static resources and then use File>Invalidate Caches to rebuild all IDE caches and indices, then (assuming the problem still exists) provide the resulting idea.log for review along with the name of the specific static resource file that has this issue?

  3. Vladyslav Petrovych reporter

    I can’t reproduce this anymore, not sure what changed (I think I updated WebStorm), but it doesn’t seem like this is an issue anymore.

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