Record Inspector

Issue #2098 resolved
Piotr Kożuchowski created an issue

New tab where developer will be able to quickly check and edit all record fields in similar fashion to Salesforce Inspector browser plugin, but from within the IDE.

Inspector would feature tabs the same way as anonymous apex and SOQL queries, the tab name would derive from record Name field. Other than that, it would have environment selection and execute button (could fetch data automatically when 15/18 char long id is pasted)

Inspector should display table of record fields with API Name, Label, Type and Value.

Should allow for editing field values.

SOQL should include new “Open in Inspector” option. Ctrl + Click on id in apex log should open inspector instead of Salesforce (maybe it should be configurable which one should open on default - Salesforce or Inspector tab).

Comments (1)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    This isn't a complete resolution, but a bit back I enhanced the SOQL Query results table view so that clicking on any Salesforce ID opens the corresponding page in the Salesforce Setup/Web UI. Hopefully that addresses the primary use cases.

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