Stop validating static resources

Issue #210 resolved
Michael Sobczak created an issue

I have a lot of JavaScript code in static resources. I don't know if its intellij or Illuminated Cloud, but after every change I make, the IDE validates the resource, which takes a long time and prevents me from manually saving the resource to the SF org until the validation is done. Is there a way to stop the IDE from validating static resources?

Comments (7)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Hi, Michael. I've been meaning to break static resources out into their own configuration section, but for now you can change On Edit behavior to Do Nothing for Other Metadata under the Validation and Deployment settings. That will also disable validation for other non-Apex/Visualforce metadata types, e.g., .object files and such, but it should resolve this issue with editing of static resources for you. Please let me know if this doesn't get you what you want.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    Under Settings>Languages & Frameworks>Illuminated Cloud, then the Validation and Deployment tab. Let me know if you can't find it.

  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    Michael, feel free to reopen this if this configuration change doesn't give you the behavior that you want.

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