Running unit tests - tests never start

Issue #2108 resolved
Kai-Fan Hsieh created an issue

I’m trying to run tests individually and they just hang, the Run window shows “Instantiating tests…” but nothing happens afterwards. There’s no indication in the org that anything is running. I tried waiting it out, restarting IntelliJ, rebooting, to no avail. Running from the command line (sfdx) works fine. Other operations are working (push/pull, etc.) from the UI, but I can’t run tests.

IntelliJ IDEA 2022.1.1 (Ultimate Edition)

Comments (9)

  1. Kai-Fan Hsieh reporter

    Log file attached. Saw an exception in the log.

    WARN - #c.i.i.p.i.CompoundProjectViewNodeDecorator - unexpected error in com.intellij.coverage.CoverageProjectViewDirectoryNodeDecorator@329d6271

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    This is a pre-release/test build with a prospective fix for the issues found in the provided log. Because I'm unable to reproduce those issues, I'd ask that you install this build and let me know if it does in fact resolve them.

    To install the build, download the attached archive (but don't extract it) and use Settings / Preferences > Plugins > Install plugin from disk (under the gear drop-down menu), then restart the IDE.

    If the problem still exists, please provide a new debug log for review along with the exact steps that lead to the reproduction.

  3. Kai-Fan Hsieh reporter

    The patch didn’t work so reinstalled plugin and reset module settings then it worked.

  4. Scott Wells repo owner

    Hmmmm....I'm glad you're in good shape now, but that's certainly frustrating. I don't like problems that magically go away like that, though to be frank, it does happen. Please let me know if you see this behavior again.

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