Unresolved symbols throughout the code, even after indexing and generating symbol table for DX project

Issue #2117 resolved
Nathan Franklin created an issue

Using DX with a large project (> 15k components) and it seems IlluminateCloud isn’t able to resolve symbols so I can follow through to definitions (by using command+click).

A few comments:

  1. I have created offline symbol table
  2. I have indexed the project
  3. The changes already exist on the server
  4. The files are in a package directory (defined in sfdx-project.json)
  5. The default username is set (pointing to a sandbox, not a scratch org)

Hoping you might be able to help

Comments (6)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    It looks like perhaps the project source roots aren't configured correctly. Can you please attach your project's .iml file for review?

  2. Nathan Franklin reporter

    Is there any reason IlluminatedCloud doesn’t pick it up automatically? I need to go into Configure Module and manually mark each applicable folder as source

  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    No, it should detect that a module doesn't have any source roots and show you a toaster notification with a Resolve link to assist with source root configuration:


    It will also prompt you if it sees packageDirectories entries in sfdx-project.json that aren't under configured source roots.

    Do you remember how your project was configured before you added the source root? I'm curious as to why you didn't see these notifications.

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