Inspection on VF pages not working correctly with namespaces

Issue #2130 resolved
Jan Lampa created an issue

Hi Scott,
I noticed small inspection bug on VF page. While using <html xmlns=""> namespace on my VF page, inspection of normal <script> element(that is not in <svg> element) will show inspection for instead of

Sample code for reproduction:

<apex:page id="page" >
    <html xmlns="">
        console.log("hi Scott :)")

Comments (4)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Hi, Jan. All of the standard HTML-related code inspections are coming from the JetBrains IDE itself, not from IC2. I guess the open question is whether this is reproducible in a standalone HTML file and not in a Visualforce page. If it is, you'd need to open a bug with JetBrains. If not, it might be a side-effect of the way that IC2 hosts Visualforce markup in the IDE's existing HTML documents.

    Please let me know your findings.

  2. Jan Lampa reporter

    Hi Scott,
    i did a bit of research and you are right and its standart Webstorm behavior. I am sorry to bother you with this. Also this is not very standart use of namespaces in html. Normaly this namespace should be defined on <svg> element. And since html-5 it doesnt need to be defined at all.

    U may close this usue.

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