missing support for Flow Support component

Issue #2137 resolved
Adam Stepanek created an issue

Hi Scott, pls add support for ‘lightning/flowSupport’ module.


The hover message states that the module is not installed.

Comments (3)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I've implemented the module interface as follows based on the linked documentation:

     * The lightning/flowSupport module provides events that enable a component to control flow navigation and
     * notify the flow of changes in attribute values. The events are supported only in components where the
     * target is lightning__FlowScreen.
     * https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/component-library/bundle/lightning-flow-support/documentation
    declare module 'lightning/flowSupport' {
        /** Informs the runtime that a component property has changed. */
        export class FlowAttributeChangeEvent extends Event {
             * Creates a Flow attribute change event for the named property with the provided value.
             * @param propertyName the property name
             * @param propertyValue the property value
            constructor(propertyName: string, propertyValue: any);
        /** Requests navigation to the previous screen. */
        export class FlowNavigationBackEvent extends Event {
        /** Requests navigation to the next screen. */
        export class FlowNavigationNextEvent extends Event {
        /** Requests the flow runtime to pause the flow. */
        export class FlowNavigationPauseEvent extends Event {
        /** Requests the flow runtime to terminate the flow. */
        export class FlowNavigationFinishEvent extends Event {

    Please let me know if I've missed anything. This will be included in the next build.

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