After deleting metadata from org remove metadata from org metadata list.

Issue #2157 resolved
Justin Julicher created an issue

When I delete metadata from the org after I go back in I have to refresh the connection details to remove the metadata from the comparison (it shows up as still existing on org).

Is it possible to automatically remove the successfully deleted metadata from the list so we don’t have to refresh?

Comments (4)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    This is actually part of a larger initiative I'm planning to tackle soon, effectively to update the cached list of org metadata automatically upon successful deployment of any sort including destructive changes deployment. I'll keep this around to track that more general work.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    While far from the original estimate of “soon”, this has been committed for the next build in the form of a new config option, Update org metadata cache on successful deployment, that, when enabled (disabled by default), automatically refreshes IC2’s local org metadata cache for the specific metadata types included in the most recent successful deployment (including destructive changes):

    With this option enabled, the only time you should need to update the org metadata cache explicitly is when there are changes in the org that weren’t initiated by IC2 via a deployment.

    While it’ll be disabled by default initially, I’m thinking that I may well make it enabled by default in fairly short order. I’d like to get some burn-in time for a bit first with it as opt-in before doing that, though.

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