Pinned tabs on Anonymous Apex and SOQL Query tool windows not persisted after IDE restarts

Issue #2159 resolved
Prashant Kumar Jain created an issue

We have the option to pin tabs on Anonymous Apex and SOQL Query tool windows. But the tabs become unpinned after the IDE restarts. That is not helpful. It makes pinning tabs redundant.

Comments (12)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Hi. Out of curiosity, what are you trying to accomplish with tab pinning in these tool windows? The tabs in these tool windows are preserved across sessions without pinning. Is there some additional behavior associated with pinning that's not being provided?

  2. Prashant Kumar Jain reporter

    Hello Scott, it’s not a biggie but a pinned tab requires two clicks to close the tab while a regular tab can be closed with a single click. I have mistakenly closed tabs and lost their contents. I saw the option to pin tabs which could be helpful but the pinning gets reset with an IDE restart.

  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    Gotcha. That's a good enough reason for me! I'll look at making that part of the persisted session state. Thanks for clarifying!

  4. Prashant Kumar Jain reporter

    While we’re at this topic, in these tool windows, I am not able to drag tabs to a desired position to order them as I want. It would be great if that can be achieved.

  5. Scott Wells repo owner

    Unfortunately I don't think there's any simple way to enable drag-and-drop reordering of tabs in a multi-tabbed tool window. I've asked on a plugin dev forum just in case I've missed that option in the SDK, but I'm pretty sure this is something that would have to be implemented via some other config screen or per-tab Move Left/Right types of actions. If that's something you'd like to see, please log a separate enhancement request here for distinct tracking.

  6. Prashant Kumar Jain reporter

    I was hoping that it would be a simple fix. If it’s not then no worries. Thanks.

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