Removing experience site page in IDE resolves in loop deployment

Issue #2167 resolved
Adam Stepanek created an issue

Hi Scott,

when I manually remove the site page file from IDE, IC2 will start deploying the site. Despite the result being success or fail, IC2 will start deployment again. The only way out I’ve found is to close the IDE window. Attaching log.

Comments (8)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Adam, can you please specify steps to reproduce this? I ask because it sounded like it was running repeatedly for a single page in the original description but then you mentioned "for every removed page". Hopefully it'll be simple to reproduce with your provided steps.

  2. Adam Stepanek reporter
    1. have experience site with 4 custom pages, ExperienceBundle is activated
    2. retrieve to IDE
    3. select 4 custom pages and remove them at once

    the experience cloud does not deploy page-by-page but the whole bundle at once, so after this the IDE will attempt 4 times to deploy the bundle.

  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    Okay, gotcha. So it's not that there's it's repeating the same deployment operation indefinitely for a single deleted object. It's just iterating over the deleted objects and running a deployment of the same overall bundle for each in turn instead of batching them. I'll take a look at why it's doing that. Thanks for providing the details.

  4. Adam Stepanek reporter

    Hi Scott, sorry to tell you, but this is still happening. I thought that I saw a patch note regarding this, but maybe I am wrong.

  5. Scott Wells repo owner

    No, this hasn't been addressed yet. It's on my list but not for this week's build. It might go into next week's.

  6. Scott Wells repo owner

    Issue tracker grooming. If this is still an issue, please feel free to reopen, ideally with a concrete reproduction scenario.

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