Cannot create scratch orgs in intellij

Issue #2171 resolved
Emmanuel Koomson created an issue

I have a DevHub Org enabled and I keep getting this error see attached image.

Comments (4)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Hi. Can you please ensure that you have the absolute latest version of the Salesforce CLI installed? If you've been updating the CLI in-place, I strongly recommend that you completely uninstall and reinstall the Salesforce CLI as this can usually resolve the issue with dev hubs not being properly reported by the CLI as such.

    If you have a completely clean install of the the Salesforce CLI and are still seeing this issue, please run sfdx force:org:list --json and provide the output either here or via email along with the the username and/or alias of the org that should be reported as a dev hub.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    Ah, okay. Sorry, I thought that's what you meant by "I have a DevHub Org enabled". Yes, the CLI (and therefore IC2 using the CLI) requires you to authorize any dev hub that you want to use to create scratch orgs. Glad you figured it out!

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