Production Metadata Deletion Helper

Issue #2173 resolved
Luke Buthman created an issue

As a forgetful IC2 user,

I want to easily achieve a destructive change in prod with selected Metadata,

so that I don’t have to re-remember how each time

and so that I don’t have to recreate boilerplate files.

Comments (3)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Hi. Please see the following user guide topics:

    You basically start a Remove Metadata action as described in the former, then you use the latter to choose the target organization and specific metadata (typically via a Custom metadata selection) to choose the specific subset of metadata you wish to remove from that org. IC2 will then perform a destructive changes deployment against that org for the specified metadata.

  2. Luke Buthman reporter

    Well Scott, you are just too fast for me 😀 . I still haven’t properly circled back around to this use case, but I did save the email and will look back when I need it again. Thanks for the resolution.

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