Option to run tests in a folder

Issue #2191 resolved
Attila Hajdrik created an issue

As a library developer I’d like to right click a folder that has “Test” designation assigned and create a test configuration for the tests in that folder and/or just run those tests.

Today if you’ve multiple folders, representing logical groups of the components of your projects you cannot easily group them together when you work on a specific area, and hand selecting 10s of tests from 100s or 1000s of tests is just inefficient.

I don’t know if the test configuration creator for APEX is part of IC or IntelliJ, but changing that flat lists of test and represent it with the same structure as in the project as a treeview would be a great enhancement.

Comments (5)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Great suggestion and implemented for the next build. Upon clicking on any folder that contains at least one Apex test class recursively, you’ll be presented with the option of running all tests in that directory. That will create a new unit test context config based on that directory that can be managed in version control, etc. The run config includes only the (project-relative) directory path so changes to the unit tests in that directory over time will be picked up automatically.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    Enhanced this a bit in so that if you right-click on the project node you’re presented the option to create/run an All Tests Apex unit test run configuration for the project.

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