Flag usages of the safe navigation operator in contexts that expect/require a non-null value

Issue #2197 resolved
Attila Hajdrik created an issue

I had a code snippet where I used the safe navigation operator and I think I’ve found an APEX issue, where IC2 could provide help as well (but IMHO source push should not succeed)

Take this code:

if (null) {

When executing it, apex compiler correctly signals an error: Compile failure on line 1, column 5: Condition expression must be of type Boolean: NULL

The condition is clearly null which is not allowed

When I have this code:

String s = null;

if (s?.containsIgnoreCase('foo')) {

This is valid code but runtime will cause a null reference exception because if becomes an if (null) when s is null, but explicitly doing that is compile time error.

The result of the expression is null | Boolean and APEX (and other languages) only allows Boolean.

What do you think Scott?

Comments (6)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Interesting suggestion, and it can be generalized to flagging any expression that is expected to resolve to a non-null value but includes the safe navigation operator, e.g., myInstance?.myCounter++. Yeah, I think this is worth flagging in the existing safe navigation operator usage code inspection. Thanks for filing!

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    Yeah, I like this proposal. I implemented it this morning and it definitely adds more “safe” to the safe navigation operator, e.g.:

    This should be included in next week’s build as an enhancement to the existing Safe Navigation Operator Usage code inspection.

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