Move user-specific configuration state out of illuminatedCloud.xml and .iml files

Issue #221 resolved
Michael Hoefer created an issue

Not sure this is really a bug or a feature request, but the issue is that we are struggling to share our project files, especially with multiple branches in git.

Use case is simple enough: we want to share our .idea folder and .iml files by source controlling them, and we have multiple branches (patch, release and dev).

Doesn't really matter how many branches. The trouble now is that the connection information is unique to each developer (we don't share orgs) and to each branch (each branch points to a different org). So: 1. We need the connection credentials to NOT be source controlled 2. We need the selected connection to change when changing branches.

I think it is okay if the name of the connection is standard in source control (meaning, all devs should have Patch Org, Release Org, and Dev Org.)

Does that make sense? We've rolled the tool out to most all of our devs now, and one area of struggle has been in setting up and maintaining the projects. Switching branches, or just pulling updated project files from source control, has led to IC losing its mind, where it silently fails to deploy. So we've been forced to remove the .iml files from git and have everybody set their projects up redundantly. Note we still regularly have to tell people to delete and recreate their modules. Haven't nailed down the connection failures yet...but that is a different story. Here I'm just talking about those two points above. Thanks!

Comments (5)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    It makes total sense, Michael. I've been meaning to externalize the user-specific aspects of IC's configuration from the user-independent parts so that you can check the latter in and have it "joined" with the former by the plugin at runtime. This enhancement provides something to help me track that requirement!

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