Feature request: Only refresh files changed on current git branch

Issue #2214 resolved
Former user created an issue

This feature would be particularly useful for projects where there are cross dependencies, and someone may make changes to your branch’s files on the org, and you may need to include it in your PR. As it stands, one would need to either select ALL files in their branch and refresh, or do a full project refresh and rollback all the unwanted changes for your branch. To determine which files are ‘changed’ compare to the parent branch. Would something like this be possible?

Comments (3)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    If I understand the request correctly, I think you can do exactly this now. IC2’s retrieval actions use selection context even in some places where that may not be obvious.

    Try the following and see whether it’s what you’re wanting or not:

    1. Using the Git status bar widget, select the other branch and click Show diff with working tree. This will show the differences in a Changes view with additions, removals, and of course changed files.
    2. Select whatever subset of those files you’d like and use the appropriate keyboard shortcut for the action you want to run, e.g., (using Windows shortcuts):

      • Ctrl+Alt+Shift+R to refresh those files in place.
      • Ctrl+Alt+Shift+= to show differences between the org metadata and those files.
      • Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Y to start a retrieve action (assuming you’re not working against a source-tracked org) and make sure that Contents is selected for Context. Then choose Retrieve or Retrieve for Merge as appropriate. Note that the former should be the same as the first option above, and the latter should be the same as the second option above. As a result, you probably just want to do one of the first two depending on whether you want to refresh in-place or reconcile org vs. local.

    Let me know if that doesn’t meet your needs here.

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