SOQL Query Tab Auto Completion not showing all suggestions

Issue #2218 resolved
Ivan Lazarte created an issue

When typing in a SOQL query tab, BarValue__c is autocompleted when it’s part of the projection:
SELECT Id, Bar__r.BarValue__c FROM Foo__c

But not when it’s part of the filter clause. I get a red squiggly when I try type BarValue after the __r.

SELECT Id FROM Foo__c WHERE Bar__r.BarValue__c = '123'

Comments (11)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Hi, Ivan. I apologize but I’m unable to reproduce that behavior locally:

    Hopefully I’ve modeled the same type of query above that’s causing you issues.

    Can you please try one thing to eliminate the most obvious potential issue? Please regenerate your offline symbol table and allow the project to close and reopen afterward so that all caches and indices are completely rebuilt. If the problem still persists after that, I’ll likely need to work with you to try to reproduce it locally or, if I can’t, get some diagnostic logs from you.

  2. Ivan Lazarte reporter

    Your soql query is correct, but after clearing and reindexing I still see the squigglys.
    The relationship should be: Shopping List Item contains a Lookup to Shopping List, and that’s their only connection.
    If that doesn’t reproduce feel free to send me instructions and I can probably get you logs for your monday

  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    Okay, the one in my previous example was from the child side of a master-detail relationship to the parent, but here’s an example using a lookup relationship:

    It also works with no errors. What error message is shown with the squiggly?

  4. Scott Wells repo owner

    Okay, but if you type Ctrl+Space then you don’t get field completions from that relationship, correct? Because I see the same error at that point as you’d expect from the parser, but I do see completions:

    If you’re not seeing completions, I’d probably need to see your idea.log file from when this happens.

  5. Scott Wells repo owner

    Since I’m unable to reproduce this locally, can you please create a standalone project with two related objects that do reproduce the behavior, then attach either that project (just the skeleton of it should be sufficient) or just the contents of the objects directory?

  6. Ivan Lazarte reporter

    Hi Scott,

    I’m happy to say the latest update either fixed or simply cleared whatever was blocking it. My SOQL queries correctly suggest all fields. I’m fine closing this. Thank you for looking into it and troubleshooting it with me.


  7. Scott Wells repo owner

    Ah, interesting. There was one small fix around code completion that was included in the Winter ‘23 build. I assume that’s what took care of this. Glad to hear it’s resolved, though. Thanks for letting me know!

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