Database class is not showing all 'getQueryLocator' methods

Issue #2223 resolved
Latika Kharbanda created an issue

Before IC2 update, we used to have the following four ‘getQueryLocator’ methods in the Database class, refer to screenshot below:

After IC2 update, we have only two ‘getQueryLocator’ methods in the Database class, refer to screenshot below:

Comments (3)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Hi. Yes, I found this myself earlier this week and have a fix in the build that will be released this morning. It seems to be due to a regression in the Salesforce Tooling API in Winter ‘23 / API 56.0 where those methods are no longer being reported properly. Once the update has been released and you’ve updated, just regenerate your OST and it will include those two missing signatures.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    Delivered in Please note that you must regenerate your OST to see the effects of this fix.

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