package.xml shows API v55 for new SFDX project although v56 is selected in connection

Issue #2230 resolved
René Görgens created an issue

Hi Scott,

On a fresh SFDX project connected to a sandbox, my package.xml shows API v55. Additionally, package.xml contains default wildcard subscriptions that are not necessarily relevant to every project.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Package xmlns="">

I configured API v56 for the sandbox connection (cf. issue 2229):

My workaround being to update the API version manually, and remove the wildcard subscriptions manually.

Comments (4)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    For a source format project, the project-specific API version number is derived from the sfdx-project.json file. The version number you see for CLI-based connection in the absence of a project is the default for IC2 which corresponds to the latest based on the Salesforce platform version. A CLI-based connection doesn’t have a concrete API version number associated with it.

    IC2’s SFDX project creation wizard is effectively an integrated wrapper atop the force:project:create command. That command creates the project structure and populates all of the initial project files including the sfdx-project.json and the manifest/package.xml (if you use the -x/--manifest argument). Typically Salesforce updates the API version number in the CLI project templates in conjunction with their release, but it doesn’t appear they’ve done so yet as a raw execution of that command using the latest CLI still includes the older version number.

    I’ve logged this in the CLI public issue tracker:

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    The core issue is that the Winter '23 project file templates aren't using the correct API version number. Issue logged against the CLI.

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