LWC doesn't retrieve all JS files

Issue #2234 resolved
Olek Tymchenko created an issue

I’m receiving an error with LWC component retrieve if some helper JS file exist only on SF org.

Main scenario:
Create LWC component
Create utils.js and start using this file in main LWC JS file.
Deploy component with utils.js

Delete utils.js locally.

Retrieve whole component.

Expected result:

utils.js is created.

Actual result:
utils.js is not created.

Comments (5)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Hi. I’m unable to reproduce this. Here’s an example of such a component retrieved from the organization for merge and you can see the util.js is included in the retrieved metadata:

    I’m wondering if perhaps the utils.js file is being retrieved but is being incorrectly matched against another file with the same name, making it look like it wasn’t retrieved and potentially overwriting the wrong file as well. Can you please enable debug logging for Metadata Retrieval, reproduce the issue in as isolated a manner as possible, and either attach or email the resulting idea.log file for review?

  2. Olek Tymchenko reporter

    Okay, I think I had this problem because I clicked on Refresh instead of Retrieve, maybe it’s reason why I have this problem.
    Thank you so much for the quick response.

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