Getting stuck on limited metadata choice for new non-SFDX project/ .forceignore error message

Issue #2245 resolved
René Görgens created an issue

Hi Scott,

While creating a new non-SFDX project, after adding a new connection I get stuck on the “coding” metadata subset:

None of the controls helps: the list doesn’t get updated by any available button.

Additionally, when clicking ‘Selected’ to see if that changes anything, I get the below error message:

Comments (5)

  1. René Görgens reporter

    Reproducible after IDE restart.

    An empty project can be created and metadata retrieved afterwards, but initial metadata selection (outside of “coding”) is blocked.

    Resulting package.xml is actually empty:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <Package xmlns="">

  2. René Görgens reporter

    Priority suggestion bumped up to critical due to dysfunctional behaviour of key dialogue (important for newbees).

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