"Force Save" not working for Apex and VF Code when IC Plugin's "On Save" is configured to "Do Nothing"

Issue #225 resolved
Vivek M. Chawla created an issue

When trying to "force save" a Trigger, nothing happens.

Here's what I did.

  1. There were no triggers in my org, so I right-clicked on the src folder in my project and selected New-->Package, and then created a folder named triggers.
  2. I right clicked on the triggers folder and selected the New-->Apex Trigger option.
  3. I implemented my trigger code
  4. I tried to deploy this single trigger file to the server using the Force Save feature.
  5. Nothing happened. No progress bar indicating a server roundtrip. No new entries in the Problems view. Nothing.
  6. Thinking that I may have used the wrong folder name or something (eg. maybe I shouldn't have called it triggers), I went to the Setup UI in my org and created a dummy trigger called fooTrigger.
  7. I did a metadata retrieve on the triggers folder, and left the box checked to "Include Missing Metadata"
  8. The trigger fooTrigger was successfully downloaded and added to my project (hooray for this functionality working!)
  9. Thinking that maybe there was just something wrong with the trigger that I tried to create locally, I tried to at least change fooTrigger to see if that works. No such luck. Same problem...nothing happens.

It should be noted that I have modified my Illuminated Cloud settings so that the "on save" behavior is "Do Nothing" for all three file types. This is because I want to work in a sort of "offline mode".

I only want to deploy to my org by using Force Save, or one of the IC Deployment commands. This functionality seemed to be working fine for layouts, but I haven't tested it for others yet. I'll have to see if more than just Apex Triggers are not working correctly with Force Save.

Thanks, Vivek

Comments (7)

  1. Vivek M. Chawla reporter

    OK, here is what Force Save works on, and what it doesn't work on.

    Force save WORKS on...

    • Applications
    • App Menus
    • Layouts
    • Assignment Rules
    • OK, I gave up testing here....basically it looks like it works on anything that is NOT Apex or Visualforce. I haven't tested it with lightning component bundles, but my guess is that it probably works OK there since that's not Apex or VF code.

    Force save DOES NOT WORK on....

    • Apex Triggers
    • Apex Classes
    • Visualforce Pages
    • I didn't test VF components, but I'm guessing that it's broken there, too.

    I guess I just got lucky that the first thing I worked on after reading the release notes for was Layouts. It was a HUGE deal to finally have Force Save work in a way that makes sense (ie. it actually FORCES a deployment of the selected file, regardless of the "on save" setting for IC).

    I must confess that the fact that it's still not working for Apex and VF is a bit frustrating. Hopefully this is an easy fix from this point.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    Thanks for the details, Vivek. I'm on a business trip this week so my availability is pretty spotty. I'll take a look when I get a breather between sessions or, worst case, as soon as I get back home. I'll shoot for having a fix for this out in the next few days.

  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    Okay, I'm back from a week-long business trip but not quite at 100% yet (got stuck overnight in Charlotte due to Snowmageddon and currently operating on ~3 hours of sleep). I'm going to organize this work alongside a few other commitments and see if I can get them resolved soon. Give me a day or two to get things ordered properly and I'll give a revised estimate on delivery of the fix.

  4. Vivek M. Chawla reporter

    There's no rush since there is always the work around of setting the "on save" behavior to "deploy".

    Get some rest (and stay warm!) after your Snowmageddon experience. Traveling during all of that must have been a nightmare!

  5. Scott Wells repo owner

    Sweeping through older issues. This one was fixed quite a bit back. Just verified it one more time for good measure, though!

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