ApexDoc should allow me to retain alignment tabs (and ideally the existing order of tags)

Issue #2260 resolved
René Görgens created an issue

Hi Scott,

I have an existing code base in which ApexDoc is heavily used. I configured, then enabled ApexDoc formatting, then did Ctrl+Alt+L.

  • The result is basically as expected, only that:

    • The ApexDoc has been stripped of all tabs used for aligning the values
    • The order of tags has changed



Would it be possible to introduce:

  • An ApexDoc option to keep the tag-level interior whitespace (tabs) while reformatting, respectively not to remove tabs
  • Ideally, an ApexDoc option to keep the existing order of tags while reformatting, or to be able to specify an order which is different from the default order

Thanks for considering.

Comments (2)

  1. René Görgens reporter

    Upon reflection, this doesn’t seem important, it’s very well possible to work with the current functionality.

    I did have a hiccup earlier with the ApexDoc config being lost (changes not saved), but an IDE restart took care of that.

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