ApexDoc configured to require @description but missing when class is created

Issue #2265 resolved
René Görgens created an issue

Hi Scott,

  • When I create a new Apex class, it is initalised with the following ApexDoc:

  • Whereas Code Style > Apex > ApexDoc is configured to require the @description tag:

  • Thus leading to the following inspection:

Would it be possible to initialise the ApexDoc with the @description tag if it is required in the setup? Thanks for considering.

Comments (3)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Thank for logging all of these. Just so you don’t think I’m ignoring them, I’m prepping for a week off (aside from sales and critical support) with my family for Thanksgiving. I’m snoozing these until a week from Monday when I’ll make a pass on them.

    For this one in particular, the Apex source file is created from the corresponding file template, e.g.:

    which by default imports the following header template:

    That’s what you’re seeing here…a file header and not a class header. If you wanted an ApexDoc class header, you would add that to the corresponding file template with or without @description as appropriate.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    I'm going to resolve this as a misunderstanding of the comment since it's a file header comment and not a class header comment.

  3. René Görgens reporter

    First of all, wish you a good vacation! And thanks for the quick answers prior to it.

    I haven’t come across templates yet, thanks for educating me. You learn something new every day 😇

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