ApexDoc settings persistency unstable

Issue #2269 resolved
René Görgens created an issue

Hi Scott,

The last time I worked with ApexDoc settings on my corporate machine a couple of days ago, I had already had an issue with the persistency of the Editor > Code Style > ApexDoc settings. More specifically, I selected Enable ApexDoc formatting but then suddenly the setting was inactive. I think I noticed because nothing happened when I pressed Ctrl+Alt+L.

Now when I reopened the project, the setting was off again, whereas all the blank lines settings (which I definitely had turned off) where on again. To clarify:

  • I’m sure I had configured:

  • Yet when I reopened the project, the settings were like this:

I’m syncing my IDE settings to my JetBrains account, but coincidentally when I opened IntelliJ today, the sync was off for some reason. So that shouldn’t be the culprit.

Comments (4)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    These settings are being stored by the IDE itself as part of its standard code style feature. If the selected scheme is IDE, they’re stored at the IDE-level; if the selected scheme is Project, they’re stored in a project-local file under .idea/codeStyles with the same name as the scheme. I’d need to see some reproducible set of steps to result in this behavior to be able to start debugging this as it’s not something actually implemented in IC2 itself.

    One thing I will note, though, is that there is a known bug with external changes to code style settings, e.g., from changing branches, where they’re not picked up properly in the running instance. I logged this with JetBrains a bit back and, while it’s recognized as a bug, it’s not currently slated for a fix:


    Is that perhaps behind what you’re seeing?

  2. René Görgens reporter

    Thanks a lot for the info. For the sake of simplicity, let’s say this is probably the same issue I’ve seen, and I need to be mindful of using IDE-level settings.

    When I reopend the project just now, the settings were retained within the Default IDE scheme.

    I’ll mark this as resolved for now.

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