JetBrains 2022.3 compatibility

Issue #2270 resolved
Scott Wells repo owner created an issue

I’m currently sitting on a build that adds compatibility with JetBrains' pending 2022.3 IDE releases. I’ll post the build once their final build has been posted and I can perform a validation pass against it.

For context, IC2 always restricts the maximum supported version to the latest released version to prevent installation into builds against which it has not been tested. This is important because most new JetBrains releases introduce small breaking changes to the plugin SDK for which small adjustments are required or things can fail at runtime. I begin maintaining a compatibility branch for IC2 when the first EAP builds of the new JetBrains IDEs are available, updating for each subsequent build, and I release an IC2 update that unlocks support for the new JetBrains version once IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate Edition has been released and I can run a build/test cycle against it. That helps to minimize thrashing that might occur due to last minute breaking changes in the GA build vs. the previous EAP/beta/RC builds.

Comments (9)

  1. Norbert Wieruszewski

    Hi Scott, WebStorm 2022.3 is available now. How are you progressing with the package update?

  2. Scott Wells reporter

    Hi. IC2 builds occur against the IntelliJ IDEA plugin SDK as it includes the superset of APIs for all supported JetBrains IDEs. Once the IntelliJ IDEA 2022.3 final release is available I’ll run through a build and validation, then release the update. I imagine that will occur today or tomorrow.

  3. Scott Wells reporter

    IntelliJ IDEA 2022.3 has been released. I’m going through build verification against it and will (hopefully) release the IC2 update in the next few hours.

  4. Scott Wells reporter

    Delivered in It should be possible/safe to update the JetBrains IDE to 2022.3 now. Please let me know if you see any issues.

  5. Roman Hentschke

    Hi @Scott Wells

    Can confirm. Just upgraded to IC 2022.3 and it works like a charm with plugin version

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