HTML Tag Suggestion

Issue #2301 resolved
Wiktor Maciołek created an issue

I’ve got a small bug. My webstorm doesn’t suggest any html tags. Should I change a version, settings or what should I do?
Below I attached two screenshots. One is mine (suggestions not working) and the second one is my friend's (everything working properly).
WebStorm 2022.3.1

Comments (18)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Hi. Your idea.log attachment seems to have been removed, but I’d likely need to see that to help diagnose what’s happening.

  2. Wiktor Maciołek reporter

    I have to remove a big part from this file because of private data. If u need complete file, i can email.

  3. Scott Wells repo owner

    Thanks. There’s nothing obvious in that log unfortunately. Can you please provide your project’s .iml file so I can make sure that the source roots are configured properly?

  4. Scott Wells repo owner

    Thank you. Your .iml file also looks fine. Are you able to reproduce this in a simple standalone project that you could attach/email, or does it only reproduce in this specific project?

  5. Wiktor Maciołek reporter

    Its project in my work. I am probably cannot create second project with the same conf

  6. Scott Wells repo owner

    Just to be clear, this issue only occurs in one project? If you were to create another, standalone project with an LWC component, the problem does not reproduce in that project? I’m trying to eliminate variables since the provided log and .iml file both looked fine, and the next step is to determine whether it’s something specific to that project or to your install/config since it doesn’t happen for your colleague.

  7. Wiktor Maciołek reporter

    It's only one project. My friend had the same problem but now is gone. I don't know which conf file or something else making this issue.

  8. Scott Wells repo owner

    Would you please close the project and remove (or rename if you’d prefer to be non-destructive) the .idea directory and .iml file, then reopen the project so that it gets imported/converted again. That way we can see if it’s something in the project config files since they should end up being recreated.

  9. Scott Wells repo owner

    Okay. So technically HTML tag completion is a core JetBrains feature that’s extended by IC2 for VF/Aura/LWC component tags. Since you’re not even getting things like the standard li tag in the completion list, I’m wondering if it’s something deeper than IC2. Let’s try to confirm that or rule it out. Can you please create a simple .html file in that project but outside of your source directory and see if tag completion works in that file. If it works there but not in this LWC component HTML file, it would likely mean that it’s something that IC2 is doing. If you don’t see completion even in the simplest of HTML files, it would likely mean that something is going wrong in the base JetBrains IDE.

    Let’s get that data point next because frankly my next recommendation is going to be to completely uninstall and reinstall your entire IDE. As crazy as it sounds, I’ve seen that fix more problems than I’d care to have guessed.

  10. Scott Wells repo owner

    Yeesh. A few more clarifications if you don’t mind:

    1. This file does have a .html extension, correct? I’d assumed as much since you showed LWC component names in the original screenshots and just said “in lwc directory” above, but let me ask explicitly just to be sure that this isn’t a .cmp/.page/etc. file.
    2. Assuming that’s the case, do you see the same behavior in .cmp and/or .page files, or does this only occur for .html files specifically in the lwc directory?
    3. I know you already sent your idea.log for review and it didn’t contain any related errors, but can you email your idea.log file(s) again from immediately after reproducing this behavior?
    4. Can you confirm that the .html file extension is properly associated with the HTML file type?

    Let’s get that info and see where that gets us.

  11. Wiktor Maciołek reporter

    HTML Tag sugestion:

    .cmp in aura directory doesnt work
    .page in pages directory works correct
    .cmp and .page in lwc directory works correct
    .html in lwc directory doesnt work

  12. Scott Wells repo owner

    Okay, still nothing obvious, but I did notice that you have a very large number of other plugins installed, some of which are also going to be trying to augment HTML file behavior. Given that I’ve never seen this anywhere else and there aren’t any related errors in the provided logs, I think the next step is to try to eliminate potential external contribution to the issue. Please temporarily disable all third-party plugins other than IC2 and all bundled/JetBrains plugins that also augment HTML file behavior, specifically things like Vue and Angular, though you can leave Polymer/Web Components. It might even be best if you initially tried disabling any plugins that you know you’re not specifically using for IC2 development to see if the problem still occurs. If it doesn’t, it’s an issue with some other installed/enabled plugin; if it does, I’d like to see that minimal list of plugins (your idea.log file will be sufficient to show me that) so I can see if you still have anything enabled that is not enabled in any of my test configs.

    I apologize for having to ask you to do this, but given that I’ve never seen this behavior before anywhere, and given that you have just shy of 100 plugins installed, some of which also deal with .html files, it seems like the logical next step.

  13. Scott Wells repo owner

    I'm fairly certain this was addressed in a build a month or so back. Please let me know if you're still not seeing proper code completion suggestions for HTML tags in Visualforce, Aura, and LWC.

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