Put System and Schema namespace on top of the autocomplete list

Issue #2316 resolved
Piotr Kożuchowski created an issue

The screenshot should be self-explanatory. Whenever there’s a name conflict in autocompleted entries, System and Schema tends to be one of subsequent options, while they are the most used ones.
The proposal is to show System and Schema entries first.

Comments (2)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Interestingly types from these two namespaces are already prioritized higher than others with System being prioritized slightly higher than Schema. However, in the example you’ve provided here, the completions are not for types but rather for constructors so that logic wasn’t applying. I’ve adjusted the prioritization of declaration completions so that constructors are prioritized in the exact same manner as their constructed types which resolves this issue:

    That change will be included in the next (non-Spring '23) build, likely this Thursday.

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