Create New Apex Trigger - No Sobjects

Issue #2340 resolved
John OKeefe created an issue

In the Create New Apex trigger - the SObject dropdown does not contain any objects to select in my project. i have tried everything i can think of in regards to the meta data refresh. help?

Comments (5)

  1. John OKeefe reporter

    I deleted the project and created a new one and the objects populated. I couldnt get them to populate with the existing project.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    Hi, John. That drop-down is populated using all subclasses of SObject in the generated offline symbol table (OST). Can you confirm that you have successfully generated an OST for this project and that it contains stub Apex classes for SObjects in the Schema namespace directory?

  3. John OKeefe reporter

    Hi Scott, sorry, i deleted the project and created a new one and downloaded metadata from the sandbox. It was fine after this. - john

  4. Scott Wells repo owner

    No problem. Resolving for now, but if you see similar behavior in the future, feel free to reopen with new details.

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