Connection to a domain is not supported

Issue #2343 resolved
Gabriel Calancea created an issue

I have a connection that has a custom url which has an .force domain not .salesforce domain attached to it and when trying to make this oath connection the connection is not launched in the browser in gives the following error which is attached to this issue.

Comments (4)

  1. Scott Wells repo owner

    Hi. IC2 uses the Salesforce CLI to create and manage OAuth connections. That message is coming directly from the CLI executing:

    sfdx force:auth:web:login -a <alias> -r <loginUrl> --json

    You should be able to reproduce the same behavior by running that command directly from the terminal. Assuming so, you would need to check with Salesforce on why it’s not allowing a connection to this specific login URL, though before doing that, I would make sure that your Salesforce CLI is 100% up-to-date and the same behavior occurs in the latest build.

  2. Scott Wells repo owner

    No problem. I wish it was something I could help solve myself. I'm sure that Salesforce will provide a quick resolution or workaround, though.

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